It is not a good idea to use a palindrome, which is a word that is spelled the same forwards and backwards, such as "racecar" or "adogapanicinapagoda".Avoid including personal information such as phone number, ID number, birthdays, or anniversaries.
Any kind of name should be avoided like: your name, username, nickname, spouse's name, loved one's name, or the name of a pet. Avoid common passwords like: qwerty, 12345, password, abc123, 11111, or anything similar. Here are a few simple rules to follow to create a strong password: Creating a strong password is your best defense against those types of programs. There are some very good password cracking programs out there that hackers may try to use. Stay away from common password combinations since they are the first things an attacker may use to figure out a password. It is easy to give in and use a simple password that anyone can guess but a strong password is essential for proper network security and for keeping the information in your online accounts safe. Also, your password should not be made up of names or words or other familiar character combinations. A strong password is made up of 14 to 20 characters and is a mix of upper case, lower case, numbers 0 to 9, and punctuation symbols (!,#,$,&,=).
When creating a new password, make sure that it is a strong password. Given enough time a password can be guessed, so it is your job to make it as hard as possible for a person or computer program to guess your password. Passwords are your first line of defense to protect your online accounts, safeguard your personal information, and secure your home network. Password dialog Why Should I Create a Strong Password? (Last Updated: August 07, 2021) | Reading Time: 3 minutes