
What does act s 13 verse 36 mean.
What does act s 13 verse 36 mean.

what does act s 13 verse 36 mean.

Such signs were those mentioned, Acts 2:22, before the passion of Christ which are so mentioned as to include also those at the very time of the passion and resurrection, at the destruction of Jerusalem, and at the end of the world. Let us pray that they guard their own hearts as well as guiding and shepherding the church of God, which our Saviour, Jesus Christ purchased with His own precious blood - 2000 years ago.And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:Īnd I will show prodigies in heaven above, and signs on earth beneath - Great revelations of grace are usually attended with great judgments on those who reject it.

what does act s 13 verse 36 mean.

Let us pray for those that are overseers in local churches and shepherds in the Body of Christ today, that each one may take to heart this important command to be on their guard for their own spiritual well-being, and to take responsibility for protecting all the flock of God with sound doctrine and a disciplined life. not only on our own account but in order to protect those whom God has chosen to place in our care. but Paul's admonition still stands today:- that we guard our hearts, stand firm in the faith and take heed of the whole counsel of God. but Christ continues to build His Church, often in secret and often without our knowledge. False teachers have indeed tickled the ears of many - and many doctrines of demons have similarly infiltrated the heart of Christendom. Many wolves have indeed scattered the flock of God. but his warning is as pertinent today as it was when he bid these dear believers farewell. This was the last time that Paul was to see his brothers and sisters in Ephesus. And they were also exhorted to: shepherd the Body of Christ, which is the Church - reminding them, ( and us) that we were purchased with His own precious blood, on Calvary's cross. he had kept the faith and finished the good work that God had prepared for him to do.īut he also knew that after his departure savage wolves would enter the church and not spare God's little flock, and so he encouraged the elders in Ephesus, ( just as he urges church-leaders today) to stand firm in the faith to guard their spiritual well-being to care for God's people and to feed the flock of God. Paul preached the whole counsel of God, so that he could stand unashamed before the Lord, knowing that he had fought a good fight. And so Paul did not deliver a sugar-coated gospel that tickled the ears of the people. The danger into which he placed himself in his endeavour was of little concern to himself. Paul was deeply concerned for the spiritual well-being of all people. testifying to Jew and Gentile alike, of the need of repentance towards God - and faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ. and so we discover that in Ephesus as elsewhere, Paul preached boldly in public places and went from from house to house. No matter where Paul ministered, his greatest concern was to preach the gospel of Christ.

What does act s 13 verse 36 mean.